All Prompts

Guide and Seek Personality Quiz!

Category: Permanent


Guide and Seek Personality Quiz!

Welcome to the Guide and Seek website! 

Have you ever wondered what Guide and Seeker creature you'd be? Well think no more and take this quiz! 


The quiz is super short, and won't take long! Hopefully it also helps familiarize you with the behavior/personality of some of the Guide and Seek creatures!

Submission Guide

1. Complete the personality quiz (linked above)

2. Take a clear screenshot of your reply, and send it in as an image attachment

3. Upon approval, you will receive a very special frame giftbox in your mail! 

*Reward will depend on user's answers, so they are not listed.*

Submissions to this prompt are hidden.


No rewards.

Newcomers Introduction Prompt

Category: Permanent


Welcome: Introductions

Welcome to the Isle of Guide and Seek! We would love to get to know a little more about you! Do you own and Guide/Seeker OCs? How about critters? What is your favorite species, or aspect of the lore? What are you looking forward to? The slabs would love to know for... educational reasons.

You do not need to be new to the group to participate in this prompt!

Submission Guide

This prompt has multiple parts, most of it involve writing.

❥ INTRODUCE YOURSELF: Hello! Just a simple introduction of yourself, why you are joining Guide and Seek, and maybe your favorite species!

❥ OC TIME: Do you own any GnS OCs? Critters? Tell us a little about them and what they like! Don't have one yet? Do you have plans? Please share any ideas you have!

❥ EVENT INTEREST: What aspect of the GnS community do you enjoy the most so far? Brand new? No worries! Please tell us a little about what excited you or what events you would like to see during your stay here <3

❥ FAQ WITH THE FAM: Have you met our NPC family yet? What are your thoughts on Toro? Do you have any pressing questions for Toro, Finch, Selene or Torrent - we are working on an info and FAQ page featuring the fam and they would love to hear your questions!

You may submit all your responses under the Comments section, or link a separate file! As long as the writing is clear and readable, anything works Golden Rock

Submissions to this prompt are hidden.


Reward Amount
Beginner's Box Reward 1

Bond Essence Submission

Category: Bonding


Bond Essence Submission

Have you been eyeing the Blessed Temple, but have no bond essence to spend it on? Fear no more! Bond Essences are the purest form of magic in the Guide and Seek world, produced through interactions between characters, specifically bonded pairs. It is said that many powerful creatures are drawn to this essence.

Submission Guide

Depict a bonded Guide and Seeker in artwork or writing!

❥ ARTWORKS: Must be at minimum clean lined or colored, must clearly depict 2 bonded individuals, minimum halfbody (waist-up). Bonded couple can be doing any activity, as long as they are both present. Extra characters not part of the bond can be added!

❥ PROSE: Must be at minimum 600 words, and clearly include both bonded individuals in the narrative.

❥ POETRY: Minimum 150 words, and clearly include both bonded individuals in the poem. Poetry entries must have a doodle or sketch included depicting both characters (can be a rough sketch).

❥ CRAFTS: Must clearly depict the 2 bonded individuals. Please provide a png. or jpg. file of a clear photo of your craft!

You may request an additional 2 bond essences per extra pair you depict in your piece of art or writing. 

Submissions to this prompt are hidden.


Reward Amount
Bond Essence 2

Bonding Submissions

Category: Bonding

Submit here if you wish to bond a Seeker and Guide!


Bonding Submission

Want to bond a Guide and Seeker? Just link the two you would like to bond here (site masterlist link please)! Please give the mods a bit of time to update your characters' profile.

You will receive a bond essence as a bonding reward.


Reward Amount
Bond Essence 1

Slabswatter: The Epic Swatdown

Category: Event
Ends: 31 August 2024, 23:59:59 PDT (5 months ago)




Hehe! Tomato is on a CHEESEPAGE! Prevent him from taking all the cheese, or else Finch will freak! Careful not to hit Pal though...

Download Guide

This game was made and coded in java, so it has a few limitations. Thank you for understanding!


1. You will need to play this on a computer. Please use the above link to download it.

2. OPEN the zip file. You can use winrar, or winzip, whichever zip program you have. 

3. Click on slabswatter.exe. Do not click the jar file.

Submission Guide

1. Open the game and SWAT THE TOMAT!

2. Take a screenshot or photo of your longest  Tomato swat streak, and submit it here for goodies.


Reward Amount
Pebble 1
Leaf 1
Bond Essence 1
This prompt has ended.

Magic Academy: Enrollment

Category: Event


Magic Academy: Enrollment


The entrance to the school is only mildly intimidating. A grand tree, reaching high above and just as widely, forms the structure school itself. Its front doors are fitted perfectly to the trunk. The shade it provides is so dense, it even keeps the ground underfoot cooler. Windchimes above suggest windows to rooms, some with decorations hanging from them... Windsocks and pinwheels flap and spin, and the smell of flowers drifts down to you. Despite the inside being hollowed for quite some time, the tree itself seems to be unphased. Er- perhaps it's beginning to do well again. A closer examination at the flaking bark, abundance of lichen, and faintly-glowing mushrooms along the trunk shows weathering and time.

Just as you're about to knock again, the door opens for you. The person on the other side greets you, ushering you inside. You're quickly given a paper with text and braille, and the person nervously excuses themselves to help elsewhere.

"Follow the main hall," they call over their shoulder. "You'll do just fine!"

Do fine with what? Is there a test of some sort?

You consult your paper. It tells you the first thing you must do is get in touch with your magic... With very little insight as to how. Instructions and signs take you to down a hallway with no doors along the walls. At the end is an unlocked door to a room that appears to be fully rounded. The floor looks like a target, circles expanding from its center in imperfect rings. This must be the center of the school, of the whole tree.

You close the door, and it seals so snugly, it's as if it disappeared. A soft click tells you the door has closed fully - but doesn't lock you in, you find, as you try the handle again. The only windows are high above, towards the roof, and provide less than ideal light. It's still enough to read clearly.

"Some may experience a calling towards that which is familiar. Others have described having to fight with a force, as two magnets with the same force repelling each other backwards. It may be something new. entirely Your goal is simply to work with it. See the table in the center, and open a drawer corresponding to what you would like to connect with."

Connecting With Magic

You approach a roll-top desk, seemingly the only thing in this room, and open the cover. Inside, along the back, are finely crafted compartments, each face perfectly inlaid with shapes relating to their study, and a lock at their center. Metal hooks are placed beneath each lock, from which hangs a key. 

Choose your key, and open its compartment to begin.


Available keys and components:
❥ Aqua:
Two shallow metal bowls, small flask of water, a towel.

The others don't have keys available yet, and remain locked...

You're now left to your own devices. Which compartment do they open? How does your character reach their magic?

Submission Guidelines

❥ You MUST complete this prompt to begin earning magical affinity. After your submission has been approved, your character's magic affinity level will be reflected in the notes tab of your character's masterlist.

To receive magical affnity levels, be sure to add a character to your submission for the character you wish to enroll. A character code is what you find at the end of a masterlist page's url. (For example, Toro's would be NPCGuide-001). Write which key you've chosen in the comments section!

❥ After this, you will also be able to gain magic affinity for your character by completing other prompts, of any category, that incorporate your character's use of their chosen magic field.

Your submission must feature at least 1 Guide or Seeker under your ownership. You're welcome to include more characters (of any GnS species), whether owned by yourself or other community members open to gift art, however only 1 character under your ownership can level their magic per unique submission.

❥ ARTWORKS: Must be at minimum clean lined with some shading or flat color; at least 75% of character should be shown.

❥ WRITING: Must be at minimum 500 words, clearly following your Guide or Seeker in the narrative. 

❥ POETRY: Minimum 30 lines, clearly following your Guide or Seeker in the poem.


As always, thank you, and we hope you have fun!


Reward Amount
Mimic Dumpling 1
Leaf 1
Pebble 1
Synthetic Potion 1

Tomato's Escape Saga: Part 1

Category: Event


Tomato's Escape Saga: Part 1 Prompt


Tomato's been captured by aliens!! Can you help him escape the mothership before he can get captured by the alien's leader? Can Tomato get back home safely, or will he meet his untimely demise?

Submission Guide

1. Open the game and ESCAPE! Or fail QAQ

2. Take a screenshot or photo of your result

Upon successful completion and approval of this prompt, you will receive some funky friends and frame!


Reward Amount
Jeb 1
Slabinvader068 1
Frame Box (Alien Invaders) 1
7 results found.