Submission (#34) Approved

22 March 2022, 11:41:49 PDT (2 years ago)
22 March 2022, 14:50:21 PDT (2 years ago) by Orvaenta


My favourite romance option was actually Leif! I know they may seem dull compared to the flashy Don Rocko or the sharp Slaborro, but their route tickled me. Their wordy monologues wherein they relayed their fantasies of a non-prison place were lowkey hilarious. Them and the fanfiction writing protagonist seemed perfect for each other... sorta... perhaps. Also, Hed really went off on the puns in their story. Slabbata and cheese? Les Miseraslabs? I wanted to attack her like an animal. Their colours and pupils changing with their emotions was a super charming touch as well! I don't know, they were just sweet and the ending where they're just vibing in the cell made me laugh. Slabson is a friend. 🥺

This is the essence:


Reward Amount
Baby Rocko 1
Slaborro 1
Leif 1



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