Submission (#461) Approved

28 February 2023, 17:01:50 PST (1 year ago)
1 March 2023, 10:29:29 PST (1 year ago) by Orvaenta


03 FEB; Tethys towards Achlys (Bat's Seeker, Tethys' bondmate), their first meeting. Doodle attached! - Friend hidden away, adventures to come.
04 FEB; Sophie towards Dr Bones (Ducc's Seeker, Sophie's adoptive Dad). Doodle attached! - Black sheep cast away, Dad shows we're okay.
05 FEB; Orion towards Buttercup (bondmates). Doodle attached! - Small golden light, brightening darkest nights
06 FEB; Orion towards Charon & Lady Rot (Guardians who visited him in his dreams while he was trapped in A Cave). - My days of dark, fear; won't you guide me home?
07 FEB; Buttercup towards the critters who come into his rescue ranch in General. - Brick on brick to build your home, keep you safe.
08 FEB; Personal feelings towards Buttercup. Moodboard attached! - Sunshine in a bottle, nature's delight!
09 FEB; Personal feelings towards Orion. Moodboard attached! - Thought lost, you return; it's your time to shine.
10 FEB; Personal feelings towards Tethys. Moodboard attached! - The world is your oyster, fill it with song!
11 FEB; Personal feelings towards Sophie. Moodboard attached! - Eccentric Queen, the world dulls in your spark!
12 FEB; Personal feelings still-unnamed vampire guide lol. Moodboard attached! - Soft eyes, warm smile; devil in disguise.
13 FEB; Tethys' love language. - Electric strums shout the words in your heart.
14 FEB; Buttercup towards Orion (bondmates) - Stars in your eyes, you give me butterflies.
15 FEB; Tethys to Achlys (bondmates) but this time relating to the experiences the two have been through. - "Who needs them? Together, let's just be us."
16 FEB; Orion towards Buttercup (bondmates), a silly romantic way he sees his Cave Era. - "...Not trapped, just waiting for you to drop by."


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Staffbites 1
Pebble 2



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