NPCGuide-059: Lysander

Owned by Orvaenta
Image #303
Uploaded: 3 years ago
Last Edited: 3 years ago
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3 December 2021, 22:22:29 PST

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Lysander is a petite and gentle Guide with a dark sense of humor. They have recently acquire a lamp from a generous donor and loves it. Lysander works in the Pobble Garden Conservatory with their brother, Clay. They don't really like the sun and wishes to move to the Southern Forest, but stays with Clay for company.

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Oh hello doll, have you seen Clay? I want to go over our notes regarding the buoyancy of individual pobbles again. I believe we may have overlooked a few factors concerning mass and magic. You last saw him over in the critter nursery, wrapped and tangled in leafree tails? Fascinating…