NPCGuide-060: Clay

Owned by Orvaenta
Image #304
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Last Edited: 3 years ago
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3 December 2021, 22:27:23 PST

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Clay is the guide who runs the Pobble Garden Conservatory! He is Lysander's "normal" brother! They were born on the same branch side by side, and used to sing to one another as cocoons! However as they grew up they quickly developed drastically different personalities... despite that they still share the same humor.He is a marine biologist and specializes in studying the evolution and adaptation of marine slabsters near paradise oasis. After discovering the existence of Pobbles on Paradise Oasis, Clay has set up a conservatory called the Pobble Garden Conservatory to better protect and study the critters. Lysander helps occasionally.

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Hey, sorry, bit busy right now. Springtide cometh and all that. Can you do me a quick favor and pick up that baby boa for me? They were exposed to some nasty magic and need to rest in neutral water for a bit to recover. Just place them in the pool under the heat lamp, they’ll make themself comfortable once they’ve gotten themself situated.