Legendary Baraboa and Cervabloom Drop!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Orvaenta


Legendary Cervabloom and Baraboa have been released!!


Legendary Baraboa and Cervabloom who have greatly impacted the life of a legendary guide/seeker before they became legendary, can be brought to the legendary realm after their passing. There, they will help guard the realm of the living below them alongside their favorite Guide and Seeker! Although forever linked to the Guide/Seeker that brought them to the Legendary realm, they are able to wander freely and help out/assist any Legendary they meet with their guardian duties.

Legendary Cervabloom and Baraboa do not have a set guardian theme or temple, nor are they tied down to guard one certain aspect of life. Rather, they are generalists with specialities only if they choose. Due to their multifaceted talents and abilities, they too can have larger groups of followers.

After the creation of the legendary portal, they can now visit the realm of the living alongside their legendary Guide/Seeker friends!

The legendary Baraboa in the ref sheet was designed by StudioMaz
The legendary Cervabloom in the ref sheet was designed by Koicrow
Thank you both immensely for helping out!
How Do I Get a Legendary Cervabloom/Baraboa?

<a href=

Well... Don Rocko has suspiciously acquired a bunch of new magical items. Um... how? Aren't Legendaries only available in the Legendary realm? Umm... why are they in egg form? None of this makes any sense, but the gold slabster flashes you his perfectly white, shiny teeth and beckons you to purchase the new wares.

Legendary Cervabloom and Baraboa are now permanently available for purchase in Don Rocko's Emporium!


Legendary critter MYOs will also be featured in a MYO sale at the end of this month, and ocasionally there will be premade designs out in batches! WE HAVE A REF SHEET AUCTION STARTING TOMORROW FOR THE REF SHEET LEGENDARIES TOO, so if you're interested go follow studiomaz on deviantart, as they will be holding the auction.



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