Seeker-179: Zeitgeist Kierst

Owned by dotcomposting
Zeit, Geist, or Ghost for nicknames, he/him, ~35 years old (around early 20's to humans)
brother of Lazarus, often nicknamed to Russ; Lazarus will call him little ghost for the way Zeit tends to make himself seem small and moves surprisingly quietly.
Zeitgeist is a nervous wreck, to be quite frank! He would much rather be anywhere peaceful and away from people, with his brother usually being an exception. Zeit, however, has a tendency to shut himself in and others out, in periods of solitude or seeming distant. Rather paranoid. Finds comfort in hand knitting, journaling, pebbling making, and playing board games. He carries very few things with him due to traveling quite a lot, but he takes a beautiful backgammon board and a beat-up checkers + chess set with him everywhere the brothers travel.
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